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The Usual Mini NAVI ☆[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change! (スーパー興奮チェンジ!)

Nice to meet you! I'm NAVI. Let's travel the Pop'n World together ♪

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation I'm getting smaller~♪ (ちっちゃくなったよ~♪)
Default I'll do my best~♪ (たくさんがんばったね~♪)
Heart Meter 10 Very good ♪ Want to play again? (とってもじょうず♪またあそんでくれる?)
Heart Meter 30 That was fun ♪ Let's play some more (たのしかったね♪もっとあそぼうね!)
Heart Meter 60 The sound is sparkling ♪ Like a dream! (おとがキラキラ♪ゆめみたい!)
Heart Meter 100 Let's stay together forever and ever ♪ (ずっとずっと いっしょにいてね♪)

Hot Transformation![edit | edit source]

Super exciting change! (スーパー興奮チェンジだぜ!)

A NAVI full of energy with a young boy's hot soul and heart!

Hot-blooded transformation~! Raise the mark to its fullest.
Brimming with motivation! Max tension!

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation Tah-dah! Don't I look cool!? (じゃじゃ~ん!かっこいいだろっ!?)
Default Oh! That's pretty good! (お!なかなかやるじゃん!)
Heart Meter 10 Cool! That was really fun!! (すっげ~な!めっちゃ楽しかったぜ!!)
Heart Meter 30 Wooow! Tension's rising!! (うっわ~!テンション上がるぜ~!!)
Heart Meter 60 Alright! Aim for the top!! (よっしゃ!てっぺん目指してこ~ぜっ!!)
Heart Meter 100 Let's play together! (これからも 一緒にあそぼうなっ!)

Cute Transformation ♥[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change! (スーパー興奮チェンジ!)

Pink looks the best on you, more than anyone else, a fluffy and lovely NAVI ♥

Eeee! Raise the mark to its fullest ♥
Being full of cuteness will make me happy ♥

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation Boing boing, I'll do my best~♥ (ぴょんぴょん がんばるよ~♥)
Default Eee, this is so fun ♥ (えへへ 楽しかったね♥)
Heart Meter 10 Wooow, so amazing ♥ (わぁぁ すごいすごい♥)
Heart Meter 30 I'm super excited ♥ (すっごくドキドキしちゃった♥)
Heart Meter 60 Another wonderful day ♥ (きょうもいちばんすてきだよ♥)
Heart Meter 100 Don't let go of my hand ♥ (この手を 離さないでね♥)

Cool Transformation[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change! (スーパー興奮チェンジ!)

With a clear mind, NAVI is very calm and dependable

Fill the mark
I promise I'll be your strength

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation I'll give it my all (いいですね 全力を尽くします)
Default This is an effort worthy of praise (その努力は評価に値する)
Heart Meter 10 You seem to have underestimated me (キミのこと 過小評価してたみたいだ)
Heart Meter 30 I thought you could do it (キミなら出来ると思っていたよ)
Heart Meter 60 I'll give you the greatest applause (キミに最大の拍手を贈ろう)
Heart Meter 100 I promise I'll always be by your side (ずっと側にいると 約束しよう)

Glitter Transformation ♪[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change! (スーパー興奮チェンジですよ!)

A noble NAVI full of shine that can't be contained!

Bonjour ♪ Please fill the mark ♪
Meeting you will make me the happiest ♪

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation Bonjour ♪ Thank you for inviting me (ボンジュール♪お招きに感謝するよ)
Default Oh la la! I'll do it! (Oh la la!やりますね♪)
Heart Meter 10 Très bon! It's very nice ♪ (トレ ボン!とても素敵ですよ♪)
Heart Meter 30 Bravo ♪ Let's toast to our encounter! (ブラボー♪キミとの出会いに乾杯!)
Heart Meter 60 Très bien! Incredible!! (トレビア~ン!信じられない!!)
Heart Meter 100 Je t'aime...♪ Turn on the music and I'll give you love (ジュテーム…♪音楽にのせてキミに愛を贈ろう)

Dark Transformation[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change... (スーパー興奮チェンジ...)

...NAVI has embraced dark feelings he can't even tell you about

...collect the mark...?
...To transform into this's a bit strange

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation ...What is this... (…なんだよ これ…)
Default ...Go back (…かえる)
Heart Meter 10 ...Huh, so (…へえ そう)
Heart Meter 30 ...Huh, that was good (…へえ よかったな)
Heart Meter 60 ...You're amazing (…おまえ すごいんだな)
Heart Meter 100 ...Anyways, let's stay together forever (…どうせ ずっといっしょにいるんだろ)

Gentle Transformation[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change! (スーパー興奮チェンジです!)

He'll serve you with a gentleman's smile, it's NAVI with a drifting adult aroma!

A gentle transformation. Fill both the marks.
Welcome back, master.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation Did you call? Yes, let's go togther (お呼びですか?さあ 共に参りましょう)
Default Welcome back, master (お帰りなさいませ ご主人様)
Heart Meter 10 Please don't overdo it (あまりご無理はなさらないでくださいね)
Heart Meter 30 That was quite a wonderful result (大変素晴らしい結果でしたね)
Heart Meter 60 That was perfect, what a great pleasure (完璧でした この上ない喜びです)
Heart Meter 100 I swear I'll serve you forever (いつまでも貴方様にお仕えすることを誓います)

Tsundere Transformation[edit | edit source]

Yeah yeah, super exciting change (はいはい、スーパー興奮チェンジです)

He seems short-tempered but he actually loves you, NAVI's true feelings have been found out!

Should you raise both the marks?'s not like I even care about you

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation What? I don't have to go out with you (なーに?ま 付き合ってあげなくもないけど)
Default Hmmm, this doesn't feel right, does it? (ふーん いい感じじゃない?)
Heart Meter 10 Well, I can do better (まあ おれのほうがうまいけどね)
Heart Meter 30 So, that's nothing worthy of praise... (そっ そんなんで褒めたりとかしないし…)
Heart Meter 60 When did you get so good? (いつのまに そんなに上手くなったの?)
Heart Meter 100 If you want to be together, well, that's nice I guess... (一緒にいたいっていうなら まあ いいけど…)

Yandere Transformation[edit | edit source]

Hehehe, super exciting chaaange! (うふふ、スーパー興奮チェーンジ!)

He loves you so much he wants you all to himself!? It's a bit of a troubled NAVI!

Raise both the marks all the way ♥
Hehe, did you finally transform me? Thank you. I'll never let anyone else change me...

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation Hehe, so happy... I've been waiting for you all this time (ふふ 嬉しい… 君のことずーっと待ってたんだ)
Default I'm by your side (君のそばにいるからね)
Heart Meter 10 Do you no longer need me? (僕のこと いらなくなっちゃった?)
Heart Meter 30 I'm the only one you need (君には僕だけいれば いいんだよ)
Heart Meter 60 Hey...more, look at me more (ね…もっと僕を見てよ もっと)
Heart Meter 100 I'll crush everything that bothers you (君を苦しめるものは みーんな壊してあげる)

Fairy Transformation[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change, let's do it (スーパー興奮チェーンジと致しましょう)

Carrying happiness along with a breeze from the forest, a nature-loving NAVI!

Please fill both of the marks.
It is because of the Earth's guidance that you transformed me

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation Let's proceed as the wind guides us (風が導くままに進みましょう)
Default Wonderful, the trees are pleased as well (すばらしい 木々も喜んでいます)
Heart Meter 10 Brilliant, the earth is whispering (お見事でした 大地が囁いています)
Heart Meter 30 Your melody gives the world color (あなたの旋律は世界に彩りをあたえます)
Heart Meter 60 A beautiful melody played by a beautiful soul (美しい魂は美しい旋律を奏でるのでしょう)
Heart Meter 100 This encounter was inevitable, it was destined to be (この出会いは必然という名の運命だったのですね)

Wild Transformation!![edit | edit source]

Uwooah! Super exciting change! (うおおお! スーパー興奮チェーンジ!)

A NAVI who lives strongly and powerfully in any world!

Please fill both the marks!
Oooh ~ meat, meat ~ grrrrr

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation This form is scary! Don't do it! (この姿もわるくね~な!やってやんぜ!)
Default You can do more than that! (お前ならもっとできんだろ~!)
Heart Meter 10 Well, that was pretty good huh? (まあ なかなかいいんじゃね~の?)
Heart Meter 30 Uwoooah! I'm fired up! (うおおおお!燃えてきたぜ!)
Heart Meter 60 Grrrr! You're the best! (がるるる! お前最高だな!)
Heart Meter 100 Rejoice, I'll be by your side forever! (喜べよ オレ様がず~っと側にいてやんぜ!)

Final Ultimate Super NAVI Reincarnation[edit | edit source]

Super exciting change... (スーパー興奮チェーンジ…)

With all of the Pop'n World harbored in his body, it's NAVI's almighty transformation!

Please raise all of the marks to their fullest
You've gotten this far...

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Upon transformation You've done well to make it this far... (よくぞここまでたどり着いた…)
Default Such a dazzling shine... (まばゆい輝きであった…)
Heart Meter 10 Twinkled like a shooting star... (流れ星のようなきらめきであった…)
Heart Meter 30 Shining like a moon illuminating the darkness... (闇を照らす月の様な輝きであった…)
Heart Meter 60 Like the sun shining brightly in the heavens... (天上に燦然と輝く太陽のようであった…)
Heart Meter 100 I will bestow all of the world into your hands... (世界のすべてをその手に授けよう…)

References[edit | edit source]

pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 Website