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ミチル / Michiru
Gender Male
Species Human
Birthday July 5th[1]
Home p-M-crew Promotion[2]
Hobby Collecting pillows
Favorite Thing Sleeping
Dislikes Lessons after class
pop'n music ラピストリア
Music Theme

Michiru is a character first appearing in pop'n music ラピストリア. His full name is Michiru Sakura (佐倉 満流 Sakura Michiru), and he's a member of the idol group MesiA (メシア Meshia) along with his fellow members Enishi, Shinobu, Iori, and Ace. He's been attending a training school since a young age. Michiru carries the red square lapis.

Design[edit | edit source]

Michiru has dark pink eyes and lighter pink hair, styled into a small side ponytail with bangs on the right side of his face. He wears a pink plaid vest with a gold shoulder pad and a pink rosette over a white top with white pants, a blue sash, and black boots. He has white gloves, with an additional black one on his right arm.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

NET Taisen Lines[edit | edit source]

Attack  MesiA ★
Damage  Uwaaah! (うわぁあっ!)
Good Play  I'm yours (キミのもの)
Bad Play  Believe in me~ (信じてよ~)
Win  Your messiah (キミの救世主)
Lose  *snores*... (スヤァ…)

Information[edit | edit source]

Character Introduction

pop'n music ラピストリア[3]


A multi-activity boy group that's very popular for their dancing and singing

That's the "MesiA" leader, he's full of energy!

pop'n music ラピストリア vol. 1 Change! Card[4]


After arranging a new song I took some gravure shots for a magazine interview!

I'm looking forward to MesiA shining on more and more!

MesiA★Secret Live on X'mas
pop'n music ラピストリア vol. 2 Rare Card[5]

MesiA・クリスマスシークレットライブ!! 街の喧騒から離れた僕たちに夢の時間が降り積もる… 銀色に輝く街が輝きを増すイブの夜、 月の光が差し込む窓辺で待っていて!

This card in my hand is just for you

It's the MesiA Christmas Secret Live!! Away from the noisy city, a time to dream falls upon us... The Eve's night where the silvery city sparkles even brighter, waiting by the window for the moonlight to shine in!

Designer Comments

pop'n music ラピストリア[3]


サウンドさんの舵取りが絶妙で、まさにミチルくんのための曲をいただきました!ありがとうございました。 キャラと曲ががっちりはまると、何とも表現しがたい感動があります… これはポップンならではかもしれません。


 Michiru 佐倉 満流
 Enishi 草凪 縁
 Shinobu 柊 忍舞
 Iori 環 一織
 Ace 八剣 瑛須


ミチルくんはラピストリアを席巻するアイドルグループ!ということで華やかさを意識しています。 ポイントになっている髪型や衣装デザインもほぼ一発で決まり、子羊の私もたいへん救われました。 歌もダンスも完璧?で、天真爛漫。たまにドジなところが憎めないキラキラ笑顔が武器の天性のアイドルです。 かっこよさ、かわいらしさ、両方を感じられる、老若男女満遍なく愛されるアイドルだといいなと思います。 アニメーションはプロにお願いしましたので!ダンスが…いいですよ…!!

ミチルくんは小さい頃から養成所に通い、現在はアイドルと学業に超多忙な日々を送っているのであまりプライベートの時間が無く、唯一ひとりになれる時間ということで睡眠タイムを大切にしているのではないかと思ったので、FEVERWINアニメでは快眠に最適な枕をいっぱい用意して幸せなひとときを過ごしてもらいました。 自分の抱き枕を抱いてコロコロしていますが、抱き心地にこだわってプロデュースした自分グッズが実際とってもいい出来で愛用中とのことです。 アイドルの貴重なオフショット、お見逃しなく~!

Hello to all the lost lambs! This is Michiru, everyone's savior.

His name's not Mitsuru.

Mr. Sound's direction was exquisite, and we recieved a song just for Michiru! Thank you very much. When the character and the song fit together perfectly, the feeling is indescribable... This may be unique something to pop'n.

I wanted to name the idol group using the initials of the member names, but I couldn't come up with good names, so I asked PON to name them!

Michiru Sakura
Enishi Kusanagi
Shinobu Hiiragi
Iori Kan
Ace Yatsurigi
Iori and Enishi only appeared with their backs facing us this time... Maybe they'll be more prominent in MesiA's next work? Please look forward to it.

Michiru is part of an idol group that has taken Lapistoria by storm! So I had to be conscious of his gorgeousness. His hairstyle and costume, which are the main points of his design, were decided in nearly one shot, saving me (as a little lamb) a lot of time. Isn't his singing and dancing perfect? So innocent, too. He's a natural idol whose weapon is a sparkling smile; even if he messes up sometimes, you can't bring yourself to hate him. I hope he comes across as both cool and cute, and that he is an idol that men and women of all ages can love equally. We asked a professional to do the animations! His dance... it's so good...!!

Michiru has been attending a training school since he was young, and now he's busy with both schoolwork and his idol activities, so he doesn't have much private time. I figured he would value the time he got to sleep as his only alone time, so in his FEVER WIN anime, I prepared a lot of pillows that are perfect for a good night's sleep and had him enjoy a happy moment. He's cuddling a body pillow that has himself on it, but he claims his merchandise, made with an emphasis on comfort, is actually very good and he loves using it. Don't miss the precious off-shots of your favorite idols~!

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The gallery for Michiru can be viewed here

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Michiru shares his birthday with Walker.
  • MesiA's name is take from the first letter of each member's name.
    • As noted by ちっひ, Michiru was originally going to be named MesiA, until PON chose the name Michiru.
  • Ace and Shinobu appear in Michiru's Fever and Dance animations, and the rest of the members appear in his Fever Win. Ace also appears in his Miss animation.
  • Paku and a pillow resembling Shishamo appear in Michiru's Lose animation.
  • Michiru received his own emotes on the official Pop'n Team's Twitter, which were И◕▽◕)γ☆, И◕v=)γ☆, И◕▽◕)γ☆☆, И◕▽=)γ☆, and И◕u◕)γ☆.[6]

Notes & References[edit | edit source]