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アーク / Aaku
Gender Male
Species Elf
Birthday January 13th[1]
Home City of Alda[2]
Hobby Taking care of my bow
Favorite Thing The wind blowing across the white valley
Dislikes Longil, the demon fairy who lives in the black forest
pop'n music 20 fantasia
pop'n music ラピストリア
pop'n music éclale
pop'n music 解明リドルズ
Music Themes
Element of SPADA
Arcanum Arcanorum

Ark is a character first appearing in pop'n music 20 fantasia.

Design[edit | edit source]

Ark has blue eyes and silver hair parted down the middle, covered by a small blue and white cap with a yellow gem. He wears a gray tunic with black sleeves, brown gloves and boots, and black trousers. Over his tunic he wears a cloak with the same color scheme as his hat.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

NET Taisen Lines[edit | edit source]

Attack  I won't let you do that!! (させるか!!)
Damage  Urgh! (うぐぅっ!)
Good Play  A nice breeze... (いい風だ…)
Bad Play  You found it? (見つかったか)
Win  How beautiful (なんと美しい)
Lose  Too late... (遅かったか…)

Information[edit | edit source]

Character Introduction[edit | edit source]

pop'n music 20 fantasia[3]
File:Ark 20 Profile.gif 1000年に1度だけ現れるという奇跡の泉を求め旅立った。


He set out in search of a miraculous fountain that only appears once every 1000 years.

- The tale of a blue-eyed prince, in the Land of Fairies -

pop'n music éclale vol. 1 Change! Card[4]
File:Ark 23 Change Card.jpg 奇跡の泉の精霊達から贈られた祝福の輝きをまとい、


Wearing the radiant blessings given to him by the spirits of the miraculous fountain,

The time is now, for the fairy prince to embark on a new journey...

Designer Comments[edit | edit source]

pop'n music 20 fantasia[3]

どうしましょう。 すごい所に踏み込んでしまいましたよ。

光田さんのHPのDiscographyとお友達のコーナーはまぶしくて目を開けていられませんでした! 雲の上とはまさにこのことですね…

今作はfantasiaということでサブタイトルの風に吹かれ旅立ったエルフの青年です。 蒼い瞳、薄銀の髪、細身の体にまとうなびくマント…とエルフらしさをつめこみました。 伝説の泉を求めてながいながい旅を続けていますが、なんというか、テキストとはいえ同席させて頂いたので緊張のあまり色々忘れました。 下のスタッフコメントでみんながいいこと言ってくれてると思います。


Not yet translated

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The gallery for Ark can be viewed here

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Ark received a 3P palette, only available by inputting the lucky code found on the Lord of the Fantasia (ロード・オブ・ザ・ファンタジア) rare card.
    • As of pop'n music éclale his 3P is available by default.
  • In-game, Ark's birthday is displayed as Alda calendar's January 13th, dawn of time (アルダ暦1月13日 黎明の刻).

Notes & References[edit | edit source]