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アン / An
Gender Female
Species Human
Birthday November 1st[1]
Home Born in Paris and raised in Azabu-Juban[2]
Hobby Fencing. My skill is world-class!
Favorite Thing Rose scented macaroons
Dislikes Being against chivalrousness
pop'n music 16 PARTY♪
pop'n music Sunny Park
Music Themes

Anne is a character making her solo debut in pop'n music Sunny Park. She appeared earlier in pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ as a part of the Magical 4 with fellow members Nbiri, San, and Quattro. She's the first member of the group and represents France.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Anne has light blonde hair styled in two pigtails, blue eyes, and wears a white corseted top with a bow tie resembling the French flag, white gloves, and a blue and white striped skirt with white stocking and red heels. Her hat is all white with a red brim and white plume and her sword is all gold with a red, white, and blue striped part that opens into a parasol.

In pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ her attire is similar to her later appearance, wearing a blue wide-brimmed hat decorated with a white plume, a white and blue dress with long sleeves and a large collar, and white stockings with red heels. Her corset is half blue and half red, resembling the colors of the French flag.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

NET Taisen Lines[edit | edit source]

Attack  Let's go! ( Allez!)
Damage  Ouch! (Aie!)
Good Play  Very well! (トレビアン!)
Bad Play  No! (ノン!)
Win  Thank you ♥ (Merci♥)
Lose  Goodbye... (Salut…)

Information[edit | edit source]

Character Introduction[edit | edit source]

pop'n music Sunny Park[3]
File:Anne 21 Profile.gif 世界中のみんなに音楽と笑顔を届けること。それが私たちの使命!


We're all delivering smiles and music around the world. That's our mission!

As long as there are people waiting for us, our journey will continue forever and ever.

pop'n music character illustration book AC 16 PARTY♪ · 17 THE MOVIE


Designer Comments[edit | edit source]

pop'n music Sunny Park[3]

毎回むずかしいリクエストなのに、さらにキャラのことを考えてステキな曲に仕上げてくださりありがとうございます!この曲もアンちゃんにピッタリな優雅さと凛々しさで トレビアンです ♥♥ 曲の華やかさに合わせてふわふわパステルカラーのトリコロールにしてみました。

というわけで、ミラクル★4 に続いて、マジカル★4 も 4→3→2→1と見せかけて先にアンちゃんが来ちゃいました。コマンタレブーです。 法則とか言い出すと、そもそもフランス語の1はun/uneなので、おおらかに受け止めていただけるとポップン的にメルシーデス。 あと、アンちゃんって呼ぶとお兄ちゃんっぽいですが、4姉妹の長女イメージの女の子です。しっかりしてるけどちょっと天然ボケで、そこは他の3人がフォローしてくれてるんだろうなぁ~。負けアニメの人前では涙を見せない意地っぱりなところが、甘えベタでかわいいと思うのですがそのへんいかがでしょうか。


Not yet translated

pop'n music 16 PARTY♪[4]

さて、 アミダの神様のお導きでフランス担当させていただきました。今まで何人かフレンチガールズ作ったのでまだやったことないのは~と考えて、アイドルだしやっちゃうか!といつもは照れちゃうヒラヒラ路線です。ヅカならぬポプジェンヌ。 あと4キャラつなぎムービー化はちっひがやってくれました。ありがとー。次は全員参加を心がけます・・!なのでぐっくるさん、次は5大陸をテーマにワールドツアー3をぜひ!オーストラリアが難問そうですが。そしてツアー3はオカマさん5人組になるのかな?ミラクル★4とマジカル★4の夢の競演も見てみたいな。でも4分のロングバージョンになっちゃう!?

● shio ●

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The gallery for Anne can be viewed here

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Anne shares her birthday with Pochiko, Chelsea, and Hurry.
    • Her birth date alludes to her status as the first Magical 4 member.
  • San, Quattro, and Nbiri appear in Anne's Fever Win animation.
  • On the pop'n music 16 PARTY♪ Q&A page, Anne's name was stated to be Francois Ichinomiya by Mameshiba. Kinoko corrected this, saying her name is actually Anne.[5]
    • Kinoko also stated each member is named after the numbers in their respective countries. Anne's name is likely based on une, the French word for one.
  • Anne's 3P palette appears to be based on the colors of the German flag.

Notes & References[edit | edit source]